Went to Whole Foods Bowery today. You know the usual -- New Beer then Whole Foods. Well Whole Foods had the Atlantic IPA from Brewdog. In case you haven't heard this is a pretty special beer, and wait for it, it has a $29 per 12 oz bottle price tag. Wowza, that is an expensive beer. I mean damn, $20 OK? I guess, but wow, that is a lot of money for a beer, I mean I know what they did is special, but damn so expensive. OK, I've written expensive for the last time. As a I feebly debate with myself whether or not to buy it, I pick up a dry hopped growler of Dale's Pale from the cask. Uh yea, two left around 6:30...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Three left...
Went to Whole Foods Bowery today. You know the usual -- New Beer then Whole Foods. Well Whole Foods had the Atlantic IPA from Brewdog. In case you haven't heard this is a pretty special beer, and wait for it, it has a $29 per 12 oz bottle price tag. Wowza, that is an expensive beer. I mean damn, $20 OK? I guess, but wow, that is a lot of money for a beer, I mean I know what they did is special, but damn so expensive. OK, I've written expensive for the last time. As a I feebly debate with myself whether or not to buy it, I pick up a dry hopped growler of Dale's Pale from the cask. Uh yea, two left around 6:30...
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