Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lost Abbey comes through!

So if you didn't know already, I bought a lot of flat Lost Abbey Angel's Share (Brandy). Probably one of the best beers I had tasted before, I impulsively bought a ton for now and later. Anyways, I decided I should try and do something about this (having already waited months for the bottles to carbonate) and emailed Lost Abbey customer service about two months ago. It took a lot of back and forth and truth be told I didn't reveal the full amount bought (which is a lot more; felt sheepish) but they did come through with the package nonetheless and I was positively pleased! They sent me all four Angel's Share bottles I requested which I'm glad are bourbon instead of brandy, plus two extras I've never had! It was really nice for the company to stand up and do the right thing, I'm glad they did.

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