Monday, March 9, 2009

Split Thy Skull

So I went to Mug's Ale House yesterday for their annual "Split Thy Skull" strong ale fest. Mug's often has some great brews on tap and this was no exception. I sampled the DFH Immort Ale 06, which was well, my main reason for going there. I had never had it on draft before and was really excited for the try. But it had lost a lot of it's great peaty character that I love about it in the bottle and the smokiness was non-detectable. It left me thinking about something I often wonder about: does beer age properly in kegs, or is there some sort of specific procedure? I've never really come across an aged beer on draft that was particularly "more complex" than it's fresher cousin. That is except for that one time at Blind Tiger when they had the North Coast Old Stock 03. That tasted right, and sticks in my mind as a particularly good example. But other than that I can't really think of another striking example. Other than that at Mug's was my first try of the Otter Creek R.I.S. gravity cask which was quite excellent. And new in the Brooklyn Brewmaster's Reserve lot is Intensified Coffee Stout, a style that is really becoming popular and to which I have no problem with that fact. It tastes like the base stout for Black Ops, with coffee added. I wonder what kind of coffee beans they use. Very hot in the brewdar is KBS and Angel's Share. Very hot...

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