Well this beer just had to be saved for a special occasion and it was. One of the last beers left (and for a reason) in the WLV package, this beer is a big bold style from an even bolder brewery. An American Barleywine, i.e. more hop-oriented is a favorite style of mine and this beer is an excellent example.
Three Floyd's beer just impress in so many ways and a big part of that is the carbonation and the smoothness it entails. Behemoth Barleywine just epitomized so many of their great flavors in true form. A hop bomb completely, this beer much like the Dreadnaught seems to possess every single type of hop descriptor in one beer: citrus, pine, earthy, grapefruit. This beer is so thick and smooth, the hop and malt bill do gooey battle over your tongue with the hops winning. But that is not a problem, the malt note flashes toffee and butterscotch and fits quite nicely with the gooey hops. It has incredible drinkability for a 12.5% barleywine, but much like all their other beers alcohol is just not a factor in the flavor.
So it's almost time for my first ever Cellar Reserve night on Dec 27th. I have been saving and collecting for this event for quite some time and I can't think of a better opportunity to try some of these world-class beers with friends. Keep posted for me information on what will be a momentous occasion to say the least.
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