Wow, so its been quite a holiday of consumption. Tonight is New Years Eve already, I can't believe it. I recently made a local trade of some of my rarer out-of-state brews and something I got in return was the 2001 Dogfish Head World Wide Stout. I did my research and decided that it was an '01 based on the fact that the bottle had the words "vim and vigor" combined with a copper cap. DFH beers, especially the higher ABV ones, can tend to be astringent, a lot of them age incredibly well. This is no exception. Clocking in at around 18% ABV fresh, this beer needs to age!
Pours a beautiful oily black, as thick as can be. The smell is amazing: toasted marshmallows, caramel, honey, port and sherry. It just tastes so smooth for its ABV, having been aged almost 8 years that is no surprise. Its sweet but with a beautiful port like character, its vanilla and rummy... almost buttery. It is definitely a rare treat indeed - I'll probably never have this same vintage ever again. But I figured today was as good a day as any to bust it out. I think it's a great afternoon sipper, a nice warm up to what will most likely be an extravagant evening. The beer is just so sweet it really is like fine port, but with the dark maltiness you'd expect. This is quite possibly one of the best beers I have ever had, and really