Monday, June 29, 2009

D.B.Friggin A

Kind of annoyed. If you set something up for the consumer, some sort of promotion or event, it doesn't matter if it's free or not. Especially if its publicly presented at that time, makes it even worse.
So I started going to DBA Brooklyn's free tasting nights on Monday at 7pm. Well, I only went once but even then, it was good, but felt alittle painful about the 'free' anyways. I was slightly reluctant to go again, but hey, who doesn't love free? DBA in Manhattan, known for its high quality selection of all types of inebriators (yes I just made that word up) and its notoriously smelling bathroom is an East Village staple, one of my first, but remains a moderate beer bar nonetheless. DBA Brooklyn on the other hand is fresh and clean and alittle more local. OK, the event didn't start at 7pm; I left after having purchased two beers at 7:30 with obvious signs of the promo not starting, having wasted my time, money and energy. A bad review abrewing, I have to say this is unacceptable. If you set up a time for a promo, don't shamelessly plug it as free to try and spruce up business. OK, there is more. I witnessed a couple of beer bartending atrocities while waiting. While being subjected to TMZ, I watched the bartender 'sell': "What's the Anchor Foghorn?" Bartender: "it's an ale, kinda darkish." Ummm, pinnacle American- English style barleywine? continues.... "it's kinda sweet, it's a good beer." Patron: "what about the Slyfox hop project ale?", "it's a good beer, kinda sweet too" (sigh). Ah well, its hard for me to do it, but you would NEVER see that shit fly at Barcade or Spuyten Duyvil. Not Rattle-N-Hum or Gingerman either. Pretty bad, maybe I was jaded by her semi-hustling of other patrons who arrived and left for the 7pm tasting as well. In other news...
If you are looking to ever purchase beer and have it shipped to you in NYC, look no further than the personally tested Liquidsolutions, and the soon to be tested South Bay Drugs (just got in a ton of west coast goodies).
Special 'matrimonial' tasting coming soon.

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